Quality Assurance

The purpose of our team is to ensure Finefutures provides a high-quality service and to improve our clients’ quality of life. Quality Assurance is at the core of everything we do. Our highly skilled, experienced and dedicated Quality team work hard to ensure positive outcomes for clients and that our CQC rating is something we can be proud of.

To us, Quality Assurance is a vital part of our organisation to ensure our services meet the quality standards set by our regulators. This not only helps ensure the individuals we support consistently receive Safe, Caring, Responsive, Effective and Well-Led support, it enables us to benchmark our organisation's performance against the Key Line of Enquiries.

Our Quality Assurance systems enable us to monitor performance, identify actions and improve quality in conjunction with our regulatory requirements. It provides seamless processes to maximise connectivity, communication and provide vital information promptly. Our quality assurance auditing system provides detailed and robust action plans, highlighting the importance of each individual action between a low, medium and high range with an appropriate deadline.

We believe everyone deserves a person-centred service in a home in which they feel safe and supported.
Below are just some of the measures we take to ensure a high quality service.

  • Each Individual supported receives visits from members of our Quality Team, to conduct individual audits in key areas, based on your assessed needs and to complete your Quality Inspection. 
  • Individualised Audits enable us to conduct more in depth and thorough checks. It enables us to identify areas of development needed in detail, highlight great qualities and provide feedback/actions. Plus, we really enjoy meeting all of our clients and that’s the best part.
  • Over a twelve-monthly period, you may receive a variation of audit visits which focus on, but are not limited to; My Medication, My Finances, My Health & Safety, My Infection, Prevention & Control, My Assessed Risks, My Support Planning and Daily Records, and My Person Centred Approach. These areas are conducted separately, to ensure that everything is developing as planned.
  • We conduct yearly surveys to gain feedback from our Clients, Families, Associated Health Professionals and our Workforce. l it’s important for us to hear everyone’s views to continue improving our services. Following this we produce a detailed report, highlighting both great qualities and areas of development. In our report, is an informative action plan to provide a clear path on how we are going to develop our services further. 




  • We understand as an organisation that sometimes things may not always evolve as planned. This is why we adapt our lessons learned approach throughout our organisation. Our lesson learned approach is acknowledging that we may not always get things right, but we can take steps to improve our services. This approach is also adopted within our internal audits where appropriate.

What is My Quality Inspection?

Your Quality Inspection is more detailed and consists of both a visit to your home at a time  suitable for our clients, and a number of remote checks to ensure we don’t interrupt your day-to-day plans or routines, as we understand this is important to you. During your Quality Inspection we look at areas such as your Support Plans & Outcomes, your Assessed Risks, your Health & Well-being, your Health & Safety, your Home Environment, your Management of Medicines, your Management of Finances, your Person-Centred Support, your Positive Behaviour Support and your Supporting Legal Framework. We also look at your support team’s compliance in relation to their Knowledge and Communication, their Reporting and Recording, their Training statistics and competency assessments. We conduct these checks during our visit to ensure the areas of inspection are to an exceptional standard and that overall, you are happy and safe.